EMDR Therapy


Life doesn’t look or feel the way you wish it did.

You participated in therapy, you implemented all the coping skills, and you restructured your daily life activities. But it just feels that the past is always hovering over you, no matter how long time has passed. Your body is always on, your mind drifts into unsettling memories, you feel anxious with every decision you make, you don't trust yourself, and once again you are feeling defeated with life. 

If you are looking for a different approach to therapy, EMDR might be right for you.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a structured therapy approach where the client focuses on a traumatic or significant memory while incorporating bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements, tapping, or tactile buzzers) to help activate the brain's natural ability to process and heal from unsettling experiences.

EMDR therapy does not require talking in detail about the distressing issue. EMDR therapy, rather than focusing on changing the emotions, thoughts, or behaviors resulting from the distressing issue, allows the brain to resume its natural healing process.

EMDR therapy is based on the premise that when something traumatic, stressful, or overwhelming happens, it gets "stuck" in our brain with the original memories, body sensations, feelings, and beliefs. This then causes ongoing distress in our daily lives. Our brains naturally "digest" the daily thoughts, experiences, feelings, and other components of the day. But sometimes our brain needs some assistance. That's where EMDR comes in, it helps our brain to organically move the information along and digest it, keeping the good and discarding the parts that are not helpful.

EMDR does not remove experiences or makes you forget, it just allows you to recall or remember the past without being flooded with the thoughts, emotions, and body sensations that was once felt with the original events. Therefore, allowing you to feel present today and in the future without constantly being reminded or triggered of the past. 

EMDR therapy can help you

Deeply process upsetting, impactful, and traumatic experiences.

Feel safe again in your body and environment around you.

Be more in control of your emotions and thoughts.

Process any negative beliefs you have about yourself or the world.

No longer feel as if you are constantly in "fight or flight".

Identify your triggers and work through them.

Let go of the past and move forward for good.

Phases of EMDR…

What to expect in session with EMDR therapy.

If you would like to learn more about the history of EMDR, what a typical session would look like, or browse through research, please see the link below!

  • Discuss client's history and develop a treatment plan with attention to traumatic events to reprocess. Assess client's internal and external resources.

  • Establish a therapeutic alliance. Explain EMDR therapy process and set expectations. Address client's concerns and questions. Prepare clients with specific techniques to cope with emotional disturbance that may arise.

  • Identify the event to reprocess including images, beliefs, feelings, and sensations. Establish initial measures as baselines before reprocessing: Subjective Units of Distress (SUD) and Validity of Cognition (VOC).

  • Begin eye movements, taps, or other dual attention BLS* while client thinks about the traumatic event. Focus on decreasing client's SUD until it reduces to zero (or 1 if appropriate) allowing new thoughts, images, feelings, and sensations to emerge.

    *BLS: bilateral stimulation

  • Strengthen a positive belief that the client wants to associate with the target event until it feels completely true.

  • The client is asked to hold in mind both the target event and the positive belief while scanning the body from head to toe. Process any lingering disturbance from the body with dual attention BLS.

  • Assist client to return to a state of calm in the present moment whether the reprocessing is complete or not. Reprocessing of an event is complete when the client feels neutral about it (SUD=0), the positive belief feels completely true (VOC=7), and the body is completely clear of disturbance.

  • At the beginning of each new session, therapist and client discuss recently processed memories to ensure that distress is still low and positive cognition is strong. Future targets and directions for continued treatment are determined.

* Information provided by EMDRIA

“The past affects the present even without our being aware of it.” - Francine Shapiro

Ready to take the next step?

FAQ’s on EMDR Therapy

  • Yes! EMDR is just as effective virtually as in-person. In our sessions, I will go over different types of BLS that can be done virtually and we will be reviewing policies to ensure that you feel safe and comfortable with EMDR.

  • You are fully awake and conscious during every phase of EMDR.

  • EMDR does not require you to go into detail of your memories, you choose how detailed you wish to be. EMDR reprocessing is mostly done in your brain. Though you don't need to share details with me, you will be recalling memories, experiences, sensations, feelings, and thoughts.

    Before we even begin the reprocessing side of things, we will be spending time developing coping skills and strategies to help you feel in control and be able to regulate through the distressing states.

  • EMDR is extremely helpful for those who are motivated to move forward from past experiences and are comfortable with diving into unsettling memories.

    During our first couple of sessions, we will both work together to determine if you are ready, if any challenges are present, any life changes, or upcoming events.

  • Yes! EMDR is just as helpful processing any recent events as it is with the past.

    Additionally, I am trained to work with clients who have recent experiences.

  • Some clients are able to fully process their trauma in as little as 8 reprocessing sessions, while others can take months. This truly depends on you and what we would be working towards. There is no right or wrong, every single one of us is unique with our own experiences and our journey towards healing.

  • No! EMDR is used for a wide range of challenges you may be experiencing: Anxiety and Panic Disorders, Depression, Grief, Eating Disorders, Chronic Illness and Pain, Trauma and PTSD, Sexual Assault and Abuse, Dissociative Disorders, Performance Anxiety, and Sleep Disturbance to just name a few.

  • Schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation! This is a chance for us both get to know one another and see if we are a good fit based on your therapy needs. Additionally, a time for myself to help answer any questions you may have about therapy or expectations.